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Arch Supports Can Help Scoliosis

Using Custom Sole Support MASS Posture Orthotics

There are times when abnormal biomechanics in the foot can contribute to the progression of a scoliosis and this must be corrected for optimum conservative management of the curvature.

The old song the “foot bone’s connected to the leg bone”, bears a lot of truth as a biomechanical fault in one area of the body can result in maladaptation in another area. This is the case when a deficit of a portion of the Spinal Lines in the postural muscles in the foot cause a biomechanical cascade of problems in the lower extremity and pelvis that negatively impacts the spine causing a progression of a scoliosis. (Watch The Video Above To See This In Action)

When this is discovered during a scoliosis examination your doctor may recommend that you be fitted for a custom Sole Support foot orthotic. If so, both feet will be “casted” in a special soft form while being placed in a corrected position by your doctor. If you also have a leg length deficiency that is contributing to your scoliosis the deficiency may be corrected by adding a lift to the orthotic on that side.

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