Arch Supports Can Help Scoliosis

Using Custom Sole Support MASS Posture Orthotics

There are times when abnormal biomechanics in the foot can contribute to the progression of a scoliosis and this must be corrected for optimum conservative management of the curvature.

The old song the “foot bone’s connected to the leg bone”, bears a lot of truth as a biomechanical fault in one area of the body can result in maladaptation in another area. This is the case when a deficit of a portion of the Spinal Lines in the postural muscles in the foot cause a biomechanical cascade of problems in the lower extremity and pelvis that negatively impacts the spine causing a progression of a scoliosis. (Watch The Video Above To See This In Action)

When this is discovered during a scoliosis examination your doctor may recommend that you be fitted for a custom Sole Support foot orthotic. If so, both feet will be “casted” in a special soft form while being placed in a corrected position by your doctor. If you also have a leg length deficiency that is contributing to your scoliosis the deficiency may be corrected by adding a lift to the orthotic on that side.

22 thoughts on “Arch Supports Can Help Scoliosis”

  1. This is interesting and it makes sense. I would be interested in the MASS Posture Orthotics. Please send me information.

    Thanks Dr. Diaz, you’re the best.

    Donna Potts ♡

    1. Thanks Donna, You would need to come into one of our offices to get fitted for a Sole Support Mass Orthotic. Please give us a call at (800) 943-1254. Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

      1. Why don’t other people who cast get it , it has been a nightmare . Had good one, for years needed new ones, total collapse of right side, doctors except gp who knew me before believed it was orthodics , doing pt with wrong orthodics was useless, how much do they run

  2. Love that you’re putting this info out there & explaining things… I get claustrophobic just listening to that elevator music though. that’s gotta go.

      1. Hi Dr Diaz,
        Are you planning to introduce this product to Australian Podiatrists.
        Kind regards Sarah

        1. Sarah,

          Right now we do not have any plans to open in Australia but if there is a doctor there who is interested in treating scoliosis as part of our practice we would be open to considering it.

  3. Dear Dr Diaz, I can’t thank you enough for the valuable information you share. I am from Egypt and my teenage daughter has scoliosis recently discovered. It seems that the problem starts truly in her feet. I wonder if you have any office in the Middle East that I can contact.
    Thank you in advance.

    1. Christie,

      We don’t have any clinics Malaysia but I would recommend that you see Dr. Kevin Lau in Malaysia. He specializes in treating scoliosis too.

  4. Hello I live in Panama, do you recommend any doctor here? Or any low cost options.

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