Schroth Method of Specific Scoliosis Exercises

The Schroth Method of scoliosis specific exercises are designed uniquely to help stabilize and correct scoliosis curvatures. Unlike conventional exercises that are done the same on both sides of the body scoliosis exercises are generally applied unilaterally and are designed to help correct the imbalances of the scoliosis spine by lengthening and strengthening the weakened muscles on the inside of the curvatures.

A scoliosis of the spine is far more than just a side-to-side deviation of the spine the curvatures are actually has a rotational component much like a corkscrew. The Schroth Method was the first exercise program to recognize that scoliosis is a three dimensional problem that requires a three dimensional solution.

Developer of the Schroth Method

Katharina Schroth – The Mother of Scoliosis Exercise
Originally developed in German by a physiotherapist, Katharina Schroth in 1927 to treat her own scoliosis it later became the premiere method of treating scoliosis and is used extensively throughout Europe today.

Schroth Method Clinically Proven Results

It has been clinically proven and well researched in the scientific literature and has been found to be effective in not only stopping the progression of scoliosis curvatures but also correcting curvatures and other scoliosis related deformities in the body.

Schroth Postures

Because it is highly specific and intensely focused on strengthening and lengthening the specifically weakened muscles on the inside of the curvatures by elongating the trunk it is able to help reduce the muscular imbalances and establish new and improved movement patterns in the body that are geared towards reducing the scoliosis curvatures.

Schroth Breathing

Nu-Schroth BreathingThe Schroth Method helps reduce the rotation component of scoliosis by affecting of the rib cage using specific breathing exercises designed to correct the bio-mechanical faults and re-educating the patient’s nervous system to permanently adopt new movement patterns that correct the underlying faults. By using the inner muscles of the rib cage it can reshape the thorax which in turn corrects the spinal deformity.

This can have the effect of slowing, halting of progression or improving the scoliosis curvatures of the spine. It can also help improve a patients heart and lung function as well as overall mobility and postural of the spine. It also can help greatly diminish or eliminate pain related to the scoliosis.

The Schroth exercises position the body in a certain way that enables the expansion of the flattened area of the rib cage on the inside of the curve in the back and the opposite side of the chest wall. Many repetitions of the exercise is performed in this “corrected” position so the patient develops postural awareness. This type of corrective exercise is also applied to other areas of the spine to help normalize spinal curvatures. For instance, many scoliosis patients also have a flattened back from front to back, and the Schroth Method encourage restoration of the proper sagittal curvatures as well.

Although the Schroth Method is a highly advanced scoliosis specific exercise program that uses many different postures in the standing, sitting, lying down positions, it is decidedly “low tech” in terms of the simple equipment needed. The exercises are comprised of different types of floor work and are done in many different postures such as sitting on a physio-ball, standing in a corrected position with one foot on a low stool, lying face up or on the side on some bean bags. The exact combination of exercises is determined by curve pattern and severity.

Schroth Scoliosis Exercise Classes

The Schroth Method, as originally taught in Germany was a quite rigorous programs that was taught over 3-4 months at a time, much like a summer camp for scoliosis exercise. Patients would actually be housed in communal cabins at the institute to learn the Schroth Method They would perform exercises for 6 to 8 hours each day for months at a time. This type of total immersion program over the course of a few months at a time helped the patient better integrate the new movement patterns permanently.

Most people today don’t have that kind of time to devote to improving their scoliosis, which is why we often use Schroth as an integral part of a Combination Therapy that would include other corrective movement therapies like SpineCor.

Also, over the past several decades insurance carriers moved away from paying for in-patient therapy programs like originally taught at the Schroth Institute. As insurance re-reimbursement became an issue, providers were pressured to reduce the time spent with a patient to no more than a hour per day. Thus many providers began teaching Schroth exercises to a patient once or twice a week for an hour. The challenge teaching a new motor skill like the Schroth Method in this manner is that it’s not the most optimal way for replacing the old default patterns of movement that are driving the scoliosis to worsen.

Our Schroth Programs- Time Tested Schroth Exercises Applied Based On Modern Concepts In Neuro-Science

Our Schroth Method of scoliosis specific exercise applies current concepts in neuroscience to the foundational exercises used in the Schroth Method to help enhance the effectiveness. They can be used alone or as an integral part of a comprehensive program of scoliosis treatment depending on the needs of the patient.

Changing Your Mind To Improve Your Scoliosis

Current theories in the neuroscience reveals that the way our bodies move unconsciously results from our habitual pattern of movement, rather than something consciously performed. Those habitual patterns are responsible for each individuals gait pattern and their overall body posture in many different position.

Scoliosis can greatly affect your unconscious patterns of movement. If fact it can alter these the way your body moves and holds itself upright in a way that reinforces the curvatures in your spine, thus allowing the scoliosis to gradually worsen over time. So learning to change these habitual patterns of movement is key to keeping your body from collapsing into your curves by stabilizing your spine by developing new patterns of movement that are corrective.

The brain has the capacity to learn new patterns of movement that overtime can replace those old patterns that are driving your curves to worsen. This is the fundamental basis behind how the Schroth Method works. It helps train your brain how to hold your body in a more corrective and centered position by activating muscles that have been relatively in active due to the mal-positions caused by the scoliosis.

Replacing Old Habits of Movements With New Ones

We’ve found that when first learning a new motor skill, like Schroth, is best done in a condensed time frame with a lot of time-space-repetition intervals. In our Schroth Weekend Immersive Workshops our providers tend to break down the exercises that are taught in workable blocks of time and then reviewed again in the next block so that the participant gets lots of practice with each of the exercises over the course of the weekend. This allows them to develop a “Soft Habit” with these newly learned patterns of movement, meaning that they could fairly accurately reproduce the movements if they did them the next day.

A patient is started off with a basic set of exercises that are specific for their particular scoliosis pattern. They practice these exercises on a daily basis at home. It is this repeated performance over the course of a couple months that allows the Schroth student to develop a “Hard Habit” which means that they can reproduce these new and improved patterns of movement without having to think about it. Eventually the nervous system can replace the old faulty patterns of movement that had reinforced the scoliosis pattern with these new patterns that are more supportive.

By practicing these exercises on a regularly scheduled time-space-interval is one of the key aspects of the method which is making perceptual changes in the body during and after the exercises is maximized and a new body awareness is integrated into their nervous systems.

Patients are encouraged to enhance this further through visual feed back from watching their positions in a mirror while performing the exercises. They are instructed how to recognize differences in their postural alignment and how to continuously self correct their body mechanics to move towards the ideal position. In doing these small but important corrections they gradually increase a better postural awareness.

Schroth Method & Body Awareness

Patients are instructed to not only be aware of their chronic poor postural habits and constantly self correct while doing the exercises but also to carry that over into all their normal daily activities as well; thus, forever becoming their new habitual patterns. Over time, through practice and recognition of the what is their correct posture and by developing a new pattern of breathing into the flattened places they can create a permanent reorganization of the movement patterns which will help stabilize the spine by strengthening the weakened muscles supporting the spine. This in turn can help relieve pain related to the collapse of the curvatures and even help reduce scoliosis curves.

143 thoughts on “Schroth Method of Specific Scoliosis Exercises”

  1. Do you have anything coming up in Buffalo in 2015 and do you accept Medicare?

    1. Josephina, Thanks for inquiring. Our next class in Irvine will be on March 14th & 15th. You can find a Calendar with list of the class schedules for all our offices at the bottom of this post. Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

    1. Dee, Unfortunately we don’t have any Nu-Schroth classes in Oklahoma City. The closest location we have to you would be in Dallas. If you think you might be able to travel there for one of our weekend intensive classes then give us a call on Monday at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult. Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

  2. Dr. Brett, I would like to know if my grand daughter Abril, from Morelia, Mexico, who has been few times in your Irvine Clinic, needs more sesions, and how many, because of the lower value of our peso is very expensive to travel to Irvine, however, we know that she needs to continue attendind to yor clinic for some time.

    1. Blanca,

      Yes. It is very important that he brace be adjusted as she is growing. Please schedule her a follow up visit in the Irvine office by calling (800) 943-1254.

          1. Hello Linda,

            Thank you for your interest in our non-surgical scoliosis treatments for adults. Here is a link article about the treatment of Scoliosis In Adults. After reading the article if you’d like to find out if our treatments are right for you then please click the following link to schedule a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult with one of our specialists in an office nearest you.

    1. Sorry, we don’t. Although right now we do not have any plans for Memphis, if we can find a doctor in that area who is interested in co-managing scoliosis cases with us, we would be glad to entertain that.

  3. I am a Physical Therapist interesting in learning the Nu-Scroth technique for instruction to my scoliosis patients here in rural mid-Wisconsin. Are there any professional training courses available?

        1. Our closest office to you would be in New Jersey. If that might work for you then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult.

    1. Yes, we do. Please contact Dr. Lamantia about the Houston office at (800) 943-1254 for a Free phone Consult to find out if our treatment is right for you.

  4. What type of professional provides your Schroth program and what are their credentials to do so?

    1. We have a physical therapist, a chiropractor and an exercise therapist that are all trained in Nu-Schroth that provide the classes across the country.

        1. Scoliosis Systems of Chicago (located within HealthSmart)
          Dr. Marc Lamantia, D.C.
          2565 Sheerer Road Northbrook, IL 60062
          (847) 906-8667 (By Appointment Only)

  5. I am still in Lakeside Chapala Mexico, would love to take in some exercise classes, guess Houston would be the closet.

    1. Kim,

      While the Alexander techniques looks at improving movement patterns in all kinds of activities, the Schroth Method looks to improve the movement patterns specifically related to scoliosis.

    1. Yes, we do have classes in our Atlanta office. Please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult to find out if our scoliosis exercises are right for you.

    1. Melissa, I am unaware of any locations in Boise, Idaho but we do have patients that come to our Seattle office from Boise. Our program is primarily a home based treatment program, so if you’re willing to travel to see us then we can teach you Nu-Schroth in Seattle and you can do the exercises at home. If that is of interest to you then please give us a call at (800)943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult to discuss your scoliosis further to see if our treatments are right for you. Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

    1. Jean,

      The Schroth Method is not the type of program that would lend itself well to a downloadable list of exercises, as they are prescribed based on your particular curve pattern and they are tailored to your specific weaknesses, thus require a lot of therapist oversight. That’s why we don’t offer them as a download.

    1. Our closest office to you would be in Tampa, FL. If that will work for you then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult with one of our doctors to discuss your scoliosis.

    1. Most of our offices are located in the US. The closest ones to the Mexican boarder are Irvine California, Houston Texas, Tampa and Miami Florida. We do also have an office in Porta Plaza in the Dominican Republic. If any of those offices may work for you then give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult.

  6. Do you have FL locations. My daughter is 8 years old and has a slight curve. I don’t want it to progress and she ages so would prefer some proactive advice instead of waiting for it to be bad enough for doctors to do something! I started out with a slight curve & later had surgery it was so progressed even after bracing!! I want something for her now.

    1. Victoria, If your daughter has a slight curve at 8 years old and you have a severe scoliosis then she already has 2 important risk factors for progression of her curves that may warrant early intervention at this point, even though her curves are mild. Getting ahead of the curve may be important to do now. Please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult to discuss her case further.

    2. Yes, We have locations in Tampa and Miami. To learn more and find out the next available dates in those locations please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult to discuss your daughter’s scoliosis.

  7. Would this be able to help me after a spinal fusion? I had surgery to correct a 50 degree S curve about 15 years ago and am still feeling spinal imbalances. Interested in your Studio city classes in Feb. What is the cost and is it covered by insurance? Thanks

    1. Jackie,

      We have helped people who have had scoliosis surgery and whose curve have worsened years later improve their curves and relieve their pain so they can avoid a second, more risky scoliosis surgery, so there is a chance that we could help you too. We take post-op patients like you on a case-by-case basis since everyone is unique. What I would suggest as a first step is to give is a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult. That way we can discuss your case further and find out if our treatments may be right for you. If so, then I’ll be happy to give you all the insurance codes you’ll need to check to see if your insurance company will cover our treatments.

  8. Can you tell me when your next classes are in Tampa and Miami. Is there any thoughts to something between those two locations or is there someone in the Boca area that is certified. I am in so much pain everyday

  9. How different Nu-Schroth method from Schroth method? Is this Nu-Schroth method developed in collaboration with original developer of Schroth method? Or is it an unique method from your clinic? In other word, the Schroth chiropectors (list at original developer website) are familial with Nu-Schroth method? Is it possible to join just exercise program without going for braces?


    1. Nu-Schroth is based on the exercises originally taught by Katherina Schroth but instead of using an antiquated explanation such as her “body block” theory we use more modern neuro-science concepts that help integrate the changes from the exercises into the body more quickly and permanently. Every case of scoliosis is unique so we evaluate each of our patients and make our best treatment recommendations based on the specifics of their scoliosis curvatures. In some cases we just recommend Nu-Schroth, or just recommend SpineCor or both. It is up to the individual to decide which of our recommendations they wish to go with.

  10. I am 72 years old (young) and was diagnosed with scoliosis (15 degrees) in my 30’s. I have had no real problems that I can relate to it and it does not appear to have advanced. I play golf and have very good flexibility. Do you think the Nu-Schroth method would be a benefit?

    1. Ladd,

      Thank you for your interest. I’d say if your 72 yrs old and only have a 15 degree curve without any pain then I’d say you’re doing just fine and it’s not really necessary for you to do the exercises.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

    1. Diana,

      Right now our closest office to you is in Campbell, near San Jose. If you are willing to travel there I’d be happy to see you. We have a Nu-Schroth class there next weekend. If you’re interested please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

  11. Do you have classes in Oklahoma, I’m in pain all the time and have been told there is nothing that can be done for me.

    1. Alan,

      Not at the moment. The closest Nu-Schroth classes are in the New York office. If you’d like more information about these classes call us at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult to discuss your scoliosis to find out if they are right for you.

    1. Heather,

      Yes, we do have an office in Virginia. Please give our main office a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult to discuss your scoliosis to find out if Schroth is right for you.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

  12. Dr.Brett,

    Do you have your offices in Connecticut? It is very difficult to find a provider using Shroth method.

  13. Do you have any classes near Toledo, Ohio? Interested in the weekend course.

    1. Anne,

      Currently we do not have any classes in Ohio, but many of our patients travel for our Weekend Immersive courses as they are convenient and you don’t have to take off work. The closest classes are in Chicago, IL or Buffalo NY. If either of those locations might work for you then give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult to find out if Schroth is right for you.

    1. Juanita,

      Yes. We hold Nu-Schroth classes in Campbell. For more information and to find out if Schroth is right for you please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult.

  14. I am 78 and my scoliosis was first noticed in 2008 with “moderate scoliosis” on an xray but the doctor did not inform me that there would be progression and an xray end of last year for increased shortness of breath upon exercise said “significant scoliosis” . My breathing seems to be worse now going up and down stairs, etc. and I do not know if it is related but I am experiencing extra beats in my heart (holter monitor results). I am not a candidate for spine fusion surgery. I am in Massachusetts and unable to travel to your locations. Would your advertised brace help slow down the progression? It is the thoracic spine – S shaped. I do not have pain. Thank you.

    1. Sue, Quite possibly SpineCor would be able to slow down or stop the progression of your scoliosis. I would recommend speaking to one of our doctors about the details of your scoliosis. We have many patients travel to our locations from other locations. One of the nice things about our practice is that the treatments are pretty much home based so you would only need to come to our office once every 3 months or so. Most people find they can do that. If that might work for you then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consult with one of our doctors.

  15. I have servere scoliosis I have an 56 degree curve it’s pulling my bones apart what can I do

    1. Barbara,

      Many of our adult scoliosis patients felt the same way as you do before they started treatment. When your scoliosis progresses it causes adaptation to structures in the spine that can make certain joints unstable. That can give you that sensation that your “bones are pulling apart”. Our therapies help stabilize your spine and move your body towards its midline to help relieve your pain by taking the strain away from those joints. If you’d like to find out if our treatments can help your scoliosis then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Phone Consultation with one of our doctors.

  16. Hello Dr. Diaz, Would you please recommend a Schroth center or classes or treatment for where I live in the Baltimore/Annapolis, Maryland and Washington DC area? I am a 59-year old female, my slight scoliosis was found when I was in college. About 5 years ago I fell, and twisted my back to reach the floor safely as I fell, which twisted my scoliosis and made it worse. The major curve is between the should blades, the minor curve around the waist line. Since I had that fall, I’ve become 3″ shorter! (originally 5’4″ and now 5’1″). I currently see a chiropractor and take yoga class, and try to work out regularly. But I want to be fit for the rest of my life, and to improve on this recent downturn in my back. Please advise how and where to get the best treatment! Thank you!

    1. Steffi,

      Unfortunately right now we don’t have any Schroth classes in the D.C. area. The closest one to you would be in New York or Charolette.

    1. Sybil,

      Yes, we do have classes in Atlanta Georgia. If you are interested in potentially attending a class there then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult to find out if the Schroth Method is right for your scoliosis.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

  17. where do you have a schroth exercises teaching near in or near to Saudi Arabia ? Mary is 18 years old with thoracolumbar 50 degree cobb angle C scoliosis ( left hip humb,rt post,chest humb,uneven shoulders ) we started with her now schroth exercises at home .
    what is the prognosis for her with the schroth exercises ? should she use also a spine cor ? & how to order one for her ?
    do you advise me to go to Germany for treatment ?
    I am the father & i am an ENT Doctor & i read the book about the schroth method , but i lack in experience .

    1. Amy, No we don’t. The closest location we have to you would be in Atlanta. The good news is that you would only have to travel there to see us once every 3 months or so. If that location might work for you then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult with one of our doctors in the Atlanta office.

    1. Sarah,

      Thank you for your interest in our Schroth Classes. Just to let you know our office is located in Irvine, not Tustin.

      Here is a link to our Irvine Office Location.

      Our next weekend class in Irvine is June 3rd and 4th but we have another one sooner here in Southern California in our Studio City office on May 6th & 7th.

      Here is a link to our Schroth Weekend Immersive Courses, towards the bottom of the post there is a calendar section showing you the class locations for our seminars around the U.S.

      Before we talk price I would prefer that we have a conversation about your scoliosis first, just to make sure you are a good candidate for our treatments. If we seem to be a good fit, then I’ll go over all the cost and insurance considerations with you. We offer Free Scoliosis Phone Consults for that purpose so please give me a call at (800) 943-1254 to schedule a time for you and I to speak.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.
      Scoliosis Treatment Alternatives

  18. Why aren’t there physical therapists being trained to work with this method to cover outside of the concentrated areas of course under physicians direction.

    1. Peggy,

      Yes, we have an office in the Denver area in Aurora. If you’d like to find out if Schroth is first for you then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult so we can discuss your scoliosis further.

    1. Yes. We have an office in the San Jose area. If this is of interest to you then give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult to find out if the Schroth Method is right for your scoliosis.

    1. Teresa,

      Our closest office to you in Michigan would be in the Chicago area. If you might be interested in traveling to our Northbrook IL office for treatment then please give us a call at (800) 943-1254 for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult.

  19. I live in San Antonio, Texas. Do you come ever come here?
    I am 76 and have a 45 degree curvature. Is there a chance I get some help to prevent more curvature?

    1. Minerva,

      While we don’t have an office in San Antonio, we do have an office fairly close to you in Austin. Since our treatments are home based therapies, many people travel to see us for treatment as they only have to see us every three months or so for follow ups after the initial examination and brace fitting.

      If that might work for you then give us a call to schedule a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult with our doctor in that office.

    1. Shauna,

      We do not have an office in Santa Monica, but we do have one not too far from you in Studio City. If that may work for you then please give us a call to discuss your scoliosis to find out which treatments may be right for you. Then we can discuss costs related to those treatments.

    1. Sybil, It would be a good idea if you knew the current degree of your curves and if you have any other medical conditions that could affect your scoliosis but if you don’t know that don’t let it stop you as you could still gain benefit and find out what you should look to do from here on.

  20. I am a 68 year old female. Since I don’t know the degree is my curvature, but do know that I am 4 inches shorter than I was in my 40’s, what is the next logical step for me? I live in Winston Salem NC and am in some pain daily. Certainly my activity level has changed over the years… I cannot carry a shoulder bag, vacuum, or even walk for extended periods without that burning sensation in my back, and my ribs are touching my pelvis. I am looking for a good alternative to surgery. Thanks.

    1. Linda,

      I would recommend that you contact our main office and ask to speak to the doctor closest to where you live for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult to find out if our type of conservative treatment is right for your scoliosis.

    1. Jan,

      Sorry for the delayed reply. To schedule for a Consultation just call. They will first have you talk to the doctor in Dallas by scheduling you a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult with him to find out if our treatments are right for your scoliosis.

    1. Eli,

      While we don’t have an office in Corvallis, we do have one that’s not too far away in Portland Oregon.

      If you’d like to find out if our treatments are right for you then please give me a call to schedule a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult to find out if our treatments are right for your scoliosis.

    1. Unfortunately Scoliosis Treatment Alternatives does not have any offices in Canada but we do have some close to the boarder in Seattle Washington, Chicago Illinois and Buffalo New York. So depending on where you live, one of those offices might work for you.

      If you’d like to find out if our scoliosis treatments are right for you then please give us a call for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.
      Scoliosis Treatment Alternatives

    1. Barbara,

      Yes we do have an office in the Houston area.

      If you’d like to find out if our scoliosis treatments are right for you then please give us a call for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.
      Scoliosis Treatment Alternatives

  21. Can the Scroth method exercises work even if someone is already using a Boston Brace?

    1. Robin,

      Yes. In fact, if your child is using a hard brace like the Boston brace then it’s important to have her doing some scoliosis specific exercise to avoid the onset of atrophy, which can result from the immobilization of the spine due to brace that essentially acts like a body cast.

      If you’d like to consider the Schroth Method for your child then please give us a call for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consultation to find out if the Schroth Method is right for her scoliosis.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.
      Scoliosis Treatment Alternatives

    1. Not currently. The closest office toy would be in Raleigh, NC. If you think you can travel there the please give us a call to schedule a Free Schroth Consult with one of our doctors.

    1. Hi Ann,

      We don’t have anything in Minnesota unfortunately.

      We do have offices in Southern California though. In Irvine and Studio City. Since most of our treatments are home-based therapies, many of our patients will do a road trip to travel to see us. Since you see us once for the initial visit and brace fitting (all done the same day) then the Schroth class that same weekend. After that, you’d only need to return to see us once every 3 months. If that type of schedule might work for you then please give us a call to schedule a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult to find out if our treatments are right for you.

    1. Ronna,

      Yes, we do hold classes in the Chicago area. Please give us a call to discuss your scoliosis to find out if Schroth is right for you.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.

  22. Do you still have the classes in Phoenix, AZ. I noticed they are no longer on the calendar. Thanks you.

  23. When is your next class in Irvine Ca in 2018. How do I register for it, what’s the cost and where will it be held in Irvine?

    1. Bren,

      Thank you for your interest in our Schroth class in Irvine. The next scheduled Weekend Immersive Schroth class in that location is March 24th & 25th. Our process is to first schedule a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult between you and me to discuss your scoliosis to find out if our treatments are right for your scoliosis. You can do that by clicking on this link.

      If it appears that our treatments may be helpful for you based on our call, then I’ll go over all the cost and insurance considerations with you. If you’d like to proceed from there we would then set you up for an in-office evaluation to take a closer look at the details of your scoliosis.

      Based on my evaluation of you I will then give you my best recommendation for the care of your scoliosis. Then it’s up to you to decide which of the treatment(s) you’d like to pursue.

      If I find that you’re a candidate for the Schroth class after examining you, at that point, you’ll be able to register for the weekend workshop in Irvine.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.
      Scoliosis Treatment Alternatives

    1. Jenny,

      Yes. We hold our Schroth Weekend Immersive Workshops in 2 locations in Southern California. The next available class in this area will be in our Irvine office on June 23rd & 24th. The next one after that will in our Studio City location on August 11th & 12th.

      To learn more about our Schroth Weekend Immersive Workshops click on this link: At the bottom of this article you’ll find the Schedule of our Class Dates and Locations for 2018 for our 20 locations across the country.

      Click on this link to find out if the Schroth Method is right for your scoliosis.

  24. Hi,
    Am 62 years old & just diagnosed with scoliosis. Xrays showed a 40 degree severe lumbar curve. I have always had back pain but it has gotten much worse the past few years. Orthopedic recommended physical therapy. I heard about the Schroth Method. Any weekend classes near Philadelphia, Pa?

    1. Amy,

      You are better off learning the Schroth Method than doing standard Physical Therapy. The reason is that scoliosis has a significant imbalance from right to left so that requires specific treatment to correct the imbalance and strengthen the weakened side. The Schroth Method exercises are prescribed to you based on your particular curve pattern and are only performed on the specific side of collapse and only into the direction of correction to open the curve. Most exercises prescribed by physical therapists for scoliosis are done the same on both sides. While an exercise done on one side may help one up the curve, which could be beneficial, if you do the exact same curve on the other side as well, it can make the curve worsen. So doing specific corrective exercises in the right direction is critical to help improve the postural component of the curve, which is usually where the pain occurs.

      As far as classes in Philadelphia, I’m not sure if they have started them there or not. I know they’ve been looking to expand them there but I’m not sure of the status of that as I am on the West Coast.

  25. What is the cost for the July 28-29 classes in Atlanta? And Where will it be held? Is it an either or 9 to 12 and 1 to 3 or both? Thank you. Ellen Hartman 770-355-8855

    1. Unfortunately, we do not have any offices in India that teach the Schroth Method. The only on-line resource I know of is While I don’t think it’s an equivalent to an in-class instruction, if you don’t have access to that, it’s better than nothing. Before you begin, you should know what your curve pattern is (ie: Right Thoracic, Double Curve – Rigth Thoracic/Left Lumbar, Right Lumbar, etc.) for the site to able to select the exercises that are right for your scoliosis.

  26. I noticed you have upcoming class in Seattle on Kovembet 3-4! Is this open to public and is this still available to sign up for ? My son just got diagnosed with scoliosis and I would love to sign up for this upcoming weekend . Where can I get more information? Thank you

    1. Jitka,

      Unfortunately the class was not held in Seattle last weekend as I am no longer with Scoliosis Systems. I will continue to see patients in the Seattle area, but I am currently looking for an office to see my patients. I need an office which can give me access to an examination room and has an X-ray machine on premise. I’ve got a few potential locations in the Seattle Tacoma area and would expect to have secured a location in the next couple of weeks, but if you know a doctor who might be interested in adding an additional service to their patient care, please let me know.

      Currently, I am seeing patients at Scoliosis Care Centers in Campbell California near San Jose.

      Since I’m guessing you’re very eager to get your son started with some type of treatment, I’m happy to at least point you in the right direction by giving you some advice based on my years of experience. You want to be sure you’re heading in the right direction with his care. If you like, I’d be happy to go over his case with you with a Complimentary Phone Consultation and then give you my best recommendation as to what type of treatment would be best for him and where you could find a doctor who provides this type of care. Just give me a call at (408)379-0162 and ask to speak to me for a Free Scoliosis Phone Consult and I’ll be happy to help you find the treatment that’s right for him.

      Dr. Brett Diaz, D.C.
      Scoliosis Care Centers
      Director of Adult Scoliosis Treatment

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